ECOLNET Case Studies

Ecolnet Case Study :: Fattorie del Panda, Network of holiday farms

Contact Details
Address: Via Orseolo, 12 – 20144 Milano
farms, network, national parks, sustainable, ecotourism
Case Description
Fattorie del Panda is a network of holiday farms, which are situated within or close to a national or regional park, located in many Italian regions. Within this network, holiday farm become a testimonial, a centre of knowledge and promotion of the surrounding reality, and more in specific of environment, history, culture and traditions of the local territory. Fattorie del Panda have a strict disciplinary composed by a list of minimum standards (concerning: position of the farm, accessibility, cleanliness and hygiene, recycling and waste management, energy use, air quality, water saving) and a list of activities and services guaranteed by the host (regarding: information about the natural reserve, activities and involvement of the guest, guided tours, local products and public transport).

Best Practices

Criterion 1     B.1. Community Development
Each Fattorie del Panda Holiday Farm has its own particularity as far as quality aspects, services or specialisations are concerned. The farm can mention a special typology or sign titles and attributions, normally each farm has simultaneously multiple titles i.e.
- Organic farms.
- Agro tourisms with a recommendation of the reserve management or distinguished by the logo of the reserve.
- Holiday farms with the ability to entertain Non-Italian guests.
- Farms with the official attribution of ''didactic farms'' or ''regional environmental education centres''.
- “Nature laboratories”: farms with the capacity to supply services and instruments for environmental education or the discovery of the surrounding nature - for singles, groups and classes, although not accredited by public institutions as a ''centre for environmental education'' or ''didactic farm''.
- “Hiking centres”: farms with the capacity to supply services and instruments for daytrips as well as trekking programs for singles and groups.
Therefore a large section of Fattorie del Panda concretely support educational activities on nature
Criterion 1     D.3.4. Biodiversity - Conservation
It is the core of Fattorie del Panda to - through different experiences and practices - promote and disseminate biodiversity conservation. Participating farms are obliged to follow the criteria given by Federparchi, Anagritur and WWF. These criteria claim specific improvements of environmental quality (sustainability), guest reception and knowledge of the territory. If an owner of a holiday farm needs guidance, he receives expert advice from the program.The program contributes to increase sustainability and it contributes to increase the added value of the territory.
Criterion 1     A.7. Interpretation
The network categorises the farms based on one of their characteristics. One of the farm categories is the “Nature laboratories”. “Nature laboratories” are farms with the capacity to provide services and materials for environmental education and for “discovering” the local nature. These services are available for individuals, groups and school classes. It has to be mentioned however that not all of these farms are accepted by public institutions as centers for environmental education.